Internet Games Central
Mermaid Dress Up
"The mermaid was in a sorry state. Her hair was tangled, her tail was covered in seaweed, and her scales were dull. She needed help getting ready for a special occasion, but she didn't know where to turn. Just then, a young woman named Ariel came by. She was kind and compassionate, and she immediately offered to help the mermaid. She took the mermaid to her home and gave her a warm bath. She brushed the mermaid's hair and styled it into an elegant braid. She applied makeup to the mermaid's face and put on a beautiful dress. When the mermaid was finished, she looked like a completely different creature. She was so beautiful that she even surprised herself. She thanked Ariel for her help and promised to never forget it. The mermaid went on to have a wonderful time at the special occasion. She danced and laughed with the other mermaids, and she even made a few new friends. She was so happy that she had met Ariel, and she knew that she would never have been able to have such a wonderful time without her help. Moral of the story: Sometimes, all you need is a helping hand to make your dreams come true. If you see someone who is struggling, don't be afraid to offer your help. You might just make a difference in their life."
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