Internet Games Central
Fairy Dress Up
The Fairy of Nature Deep in the forest, where the trees are tall and the flowers are bright, lives the Fairy of Nature. She is a kind and gentle creature, who loves all of the creatures of the forest. She knows the past, she knows the future, she knows fate, and she knows the secrets of all creatures. The Fairy of Nature is often seen wearing a long flowing gown, made of leaves and flowers. She has long flowing hair, and her skin is fair. Her eyes are a deep blue, and they sparkle with wisdom. The Fairy of Nature is a powerful being, but she uses her power for good. She helps the animals of the forest, and she protects the plants. She is a friend to all, and she is always willing to help those in need. If you are ever in the forest, and you are in need of help, just call out to the Fairy of Nature. She will come to your aid, and she will help you in any way that she can.
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