Internet Games Central
Ballerina Dress Up: Tutus & Tops
The little ballerina is getting ready for her big performance. She has her tutu, her ballet shoes, and her hair in a bun. She is so excited, she can barely contain herself. Her mother helps her put on her costume. The ballerina steps into her tutu and pulls it up over her legs. She puts on her ballet shoes and ties the ribbons around her ankles. Her mother puts her hair in a bun and puts a tiara on her head. The ballerina is ready to go. She walks out into the living room and does a pirouette. Her mother claps and tells her how beautiful she is. The ballerina smiles and curtsies. She is ready to dance. The ballerina goes to the ballet studio and takes her place on the stage. The other ballerinas are already there, waiting for her. The conductor raises his baton and the music begins. The ballerinas start to dance. They twirl and leap and jump. The ballerina smiles and dances with all her heart. She loves to dance. The performance is over and the audience applauds. The ballerinas take a bow and then they leave the stage. The ballerina is tired but happy. She had a wonderful time dancing.
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