Internet Games Central
Bird Avoids Bees
Avoid heights, bees, and apples to keep your bird safe. Birds are naturally curious creatures, and they often like to explore high places. However, if a bird falls from a great height, it can be seriously injured or killed. Bees and apples are also dangerous to birds. Bees can sting birds, and apples can contain pesticides that can be harmful to birds. To keep your bird safe, it is important to take steps to prevent it from falling from a height, being stung by bees, or eating apples. Here are a few tips: Do not allow your bird to fly near windows or other objects that it could fall from. Keep your bird's cage away from areas where bees are likely to be present. Do not feed your bird apples that have been treated with pesticides. By following these tips, you can help to keep your bird safe from harm.
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