Internet Games Central
Dorm Room Decoration
Emily and Tina are roommates in college. They have decided to redecorate their dorm room to make it more cozy and comfortable. They have asked for your help as you are a very talented interior designer. You start by measuring the room to get an idea of the space you have to work with. You then take a look at the existing furniture and décor to see what can be kept and what needs to be replaced. You decide that the room needs a new paint job, so you choose a light, neutral color that will make the space feel bright and airy. You also suggest adding some new curtains to soften the walls and add a touch of color. For the furniture, you recommend keeping the bed and desk, but replacing the dresser with a smaller one that doesn't take up as much space. You also suggest adding a comfortable chair or couch for lounging and a small table for eating or studying. As for décor, you suggest adding some personal touches, such as photos, posters, or plants. You also recommend choosing lighting that is both functional and stylish. Once you have a plan in place, you start shopping for the materials you need. You make sure to choose high-quality items that will last. When everything is in place, you step back to admire your work. The room is now a cozy and comfortable space that Emily and Tina can enjoy for years to come.
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