Internet Games Central
Escape the Eye
Peace once reigned, until one day, out of nowhere, a giant sphere began its descent towards Earth. The sphere, named Eye, was able to slow its descent due to the atmosphere and technological advancements. As it neared the planet, eyeball aliens emerged from the sphere and began to wreak havoc. Some of the aliens carried off humans while others fought off the military. One of the soldiers, who was undercover, managed to sneak onto the sphere with his plasm. He found the core generator, which was responsible for powering the sphere. He turned it on, causing the sphere to charge up and prepare for takeoff. The noise from the generator alerted the aliens, who all rushed to the sphere. There was no way to turn the core off, so the soldier had to escape. He ran and fought his way through the aliens, eventually making it back to Earth. He had survived the creepy levels and made it home, but he knew that the aliens would be back.
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