Internet Games Central
Heartbeat Hunter
The heart is beating out of your chest as you sprint down the street, the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You can hear the sound of your pursuers close behind you, and you know that you have to keep going if you want to survive. You round a corner and see a group of people ahead of you. You desperately hope that they can help you, but as you get closer, you realize that they are not looking at you. They are all staring at something in the sky. You look up and see it too. A massive creature, unlike anything you have ever seen before, is flying towards you. It has the body of a dragon, but the head of a lion, and its scales are a brilliant iridescent green. You know that you cannot outrun it, so you stop running and turn to face it. You raise your arms in front of you and close your eyes, willing yourself to be strong. The creature roars as it gets closer, and you feel the heat of its breath on your skin. But then, it stops. It hovers in the air in front of you, its eyes locked on yours. You open your eyes and stare back at it. You do not know what you are doing, but you know that you have to do something. The creature's eyes slowly begin to change, from a fierce green to a gentle blue. It tilts its head to one side and studies you for a moment. Then, it turns and flies away. You watch it go, and you feel a sense of relief wash over you. You have survived. You do not know what the creature was, or why it spared you, but you are grateful for its mercy. You know that you will never forget this day, and you will always be thankful for your second chance.
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