Internet Games Central
Kaede Makeover
Help Kaede refresh her look Kaede is looking for a way to refresh her look. She's tired of her old, boring style and wants something more modern and exciting. She's come to you for help, and you're excited to get started. The first thing you do is take a look at Kaede's current style. What are her strengths and weaknesses? What kind of look is she going for? Once you have a good understanding of her current style, you can start to make some changes. One of the easiest ways to refresh Kaede's look is to change her hair color. She's been wearing the same brown hair for years, so it's time for a change. You suggest that she go for a brighter, more vibrant color, like a deep red or auburn. You also recommend that Kaede change her makeup. She's been wearing the same neutral eyeshadow and lip color for years, so it's time to switch things up. You suggest that she try a bolder eyeshadow color, like a deep purple or emerald green, and a brighter lip color, like a coral or red. Finally, you suggest that Kaede change her wardrobe. She's been wearing the same basic clothes for years, so it's time for some new pieces. You suggest that she try some more fitted tops and dresses, and some fun accessories, like a statement necklace or a pair of earrings. Kaede is thrilled with the new look you've created for her. She feels more confident and stylish than ever before. She thanks you for your help, and she can't wait to show off her new look to her friends and family.
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