Internet Games Central
Lovely Girl Makeover
The little girl was very pretty. She had long, flowing hair, big, bright eyes, and a sweet smile. Her friends all loved to play with her, and she was always happy to see them. One day, the little girl decided that she wanted to make herself even more beautiful. She went to her mother's vanity and found a bottle of perfume. She sprayed some on herself and then looked in the mirror. She smiled with delight. She looked even more beautiful than she had ever thought possible. The little girl ran out into the yard to show her friends. They all gasped when they saw her. They had never seen her look so pretty. They told her how beautiful she was, and she beamed with pride. The little girl knew that she was beautiful, and she was happy to share her beauty with her friends. She knew that they would love her no matter what she looked like, but she also knew that it was fun to make herself look even more beautiful. The little girl's story is a reminder that beauty is not only about what you look like on the outside. It is also about how you feel on the inside. When you are happy and confident, you radiate beauty that others can see. So don't be afraid to let your inner beauty shine through.
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