Internet Games Central
Panda Catches Fruit
The panda loved fruit. He would eat any kind of fruit that he could find. He especially loved bananas and grapes. One day, the panda was playing in the forest when he saw a balloon floating in the sky. The balloon was filled with fruit! The panda jumped up and down with excitement. He knew that he had to get that balloon. The panda ran as fast as he could towards the balloon. He jumped up and tried to grab it, but it was too high. He tried again and again, but he couldn't reach it. Just when the panda was about to give up, he had an idea. He ran back to his cave and grabbed a long stick. He then ran back to the balloon and used the stick to knock it down. The balloon fell to the ground with a thud. The panda was so happy! He jumped up and down and cheered. He then opened the balloon and ate all of the fruit. The panda was so happy that he had finally gotten his hands on the fruit in the balloon.
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