Internet Games Central
Sneaky Shade Seek
Find the hidden objects In this challenge, you are presented with a picture and asked to find all of the objects that are hidden. The objects are hidden in plain sight, but they are a different shade or size than the surrounding objects. To find the hidden objects, you need to be observant and pay attention to detail. Look for objects that are slightly out of place or that don't quite belong. You may also need to use your imagination to figure out what the hidden objects are. Here is an example of a hidden object challenge: [Image of a forest with a tree stump in the foreground. There is a small, brown bird hidden in the leaves of the tree stump.] To solve this challenge, you need to find the bird. The bird is a different shade of brown than the leaves of the tree stump, so it is easy to miss. However, if you look closely, you can see the bird's head and beak peeking out from behind the leaves.
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