Internet Games Central
The Last Stand
The creatures descended upon the land like a plague, leaving death and destruction in their wake. The villages they passed through were razed to the ground, and the people they encountered were either killed or eaten. Those who managed to survive the onslaught fled to the hills, where they banded together in an attempt to repel the evil that had befallen them. The creatures were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. They were tall and slender, with long arms and legs. Their skin was a dark, leathery material, and their eyes were a deep red. They had no mouths, but they made a high-pitched screeching sound that was enough to send shivers down the spines of even the bravest of men. The people who survived the creatures' attack were left traumatized. They had seen things that no one should ever have to see. They had lost loved ones and friends. They had their homes and their lives destroyed. But even in the midst of all this tragedy, they never gave up hope. They knew that they had to fight back, no matter what the cost. And so, the people of the hills banded together and formed an army. They armed themselves with whatever weapons they could find, and they prepared to face the creatures in battle. The creatures were strong and vicious, but the people of the hills were determined to fight for their survival. The battle was long and bloody, but in the end, the people of the hills emerged victorious. They drove the creatures back into the darkness, and they reclaimed their land. The victory was hard-won, but it was a victory nonetheless. The people of the hills had survived the creatures' attack, and they had proven that they were stronger than anything that the darkness could throw at them. The creatures were gone, but the people of the hills knew that they would never forget what had happened. They would never forget the terror and the loss. But they would also never forget the strength and the courage that they had shown in the face of adversity. They had survived the darkness, and they would never let it win.
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