King of the Soup

Game description:

"In the beginning, there was only soup. A vast, primordial soup, filled with all manner of creatures great and small. The pentapus was one of these creatures, a small but clever creature who dreamed of one day becoming king of the soup. The pentapus set out on a journey to achieve his dream. He traveled through the vast soup, facing many challenges along the way. He battled other creatures, both large and small, and he overcame many obstacles. Finally, after many years of hard work and dedication, the pentapus reached his goal. He became king of the soup, and he ruled wisely and justly for many years. The story of the pentapus is a reminder that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. No matter how big or small the challenge may seem, if you never give up, you can achieve anything you set your mind to."

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Move and Mouse Left Click, SHIFT Make Grubs and CTRL Remove Anchored Feet
King of the Soup
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