Korean Girl's Makeover

Game description:

A young woman in traditional Korean dress The young woman stood in the middle of the street, her long black hair flowing in the wind. She wore a traditional Korean dress, the hanbok, in a deep red color. The dress was embroidered with gold thread, and she wore a matching headdress. She looked like a princess out of a fairy tale. The woman smiled as she watched the people go by. She loved wearing her hanbok. It made her feel elegant and beautiful. She also loved the way it made her feel connected to her heritage. The woman took a deep breath of the fresh air. She loved living in Korea. It was a beautiful country with a rich culture. She was proud to be a part of it. The woman turned and walked down the street, her hanbok flowing behind her. She was happy and content, and she knew that she was in the best place in the world.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Dress Up
Korean Girl's Makeover
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