Little Flower Fairy

Game description:

The flower fairy awoke to the sound of birdsong. She stretched her delicate wings and yawned, then flew to a nearby flower to greet the morning sun. The fresh air filled her lungs and she felt her heart swell with joy. She was home. The flower fairy lived in a small meadow surrounded by beautiful flowers. She loved to spend her days playing among the petals and drinking in the sunlight. She was always happy and carefree, and she loved to make others happy too. One day, the flower fairy was playing in the meadow when she saw a little girl sitting on a rock. The little girl was crying, and the flower fairy could tell that she was sad. The flower fairy flew over to the little girl and asked her what was wrong. The little girl told the flower fairy that she was lost. She had been playing in the woods when she got turned around, and now she didn't know how to get home. The flower fairy smiled and told the little girl not to worry. She would help her find her way home. The flower fairy took the little girl's hand and led her through the meadow. They walked for a long time, and finally they came to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a small cottage. The little girl smiled and said, "That's my home!" The flower fairy helped the little girl to the door, and then she flew away. The little girl watched the flower fairy go, and she felt a warm feeling inside. She knew that she would never forget the flower fairy, and she would always be grateful for her help. The little girl went inside her cottage and hugged her parents. She told them all about her adventure, and how the flower fairy had helped her find her way home. Her parents were so happy to see her, and they were even happier that she was safe. The little girl never forgot the flower fairy, and she always remembered the lesson she had learned: that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

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Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Select
Little Flower Fairy
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