Little Warriors Fight

Game description:

Two young children, no more than six years old, are locked in a fierce battle. Their faces are red with exertion, and their fists are flying. The air is filled with the sound of their cries and the clash of their weapons. Suddenly, one of the children stumbles and falls. The other child seizes his opportunity and strikes a blow to his opponent's head. The fallen child cries out in pain and surrenders. The victorious child stands over his vanquished foe, his chest heaving with pride. He has won the day, and his reputation as a warrior is secure. But even in victory, the child knows that there is more to life than fighting. He knows that he must learn to be kind and compassionate, as well as strong and brave. He also knows that he must always be willing to stand up for what he believes in, even if it means fighting for it. The child turns and walks away, his head held high. He knows that he has learned a valuable lesson today, and he is ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring.

Game controls:

Player 1:
W,A,S,D Keys Move and G, H Attack and B Jump and N Roll

Player 2:
Arrow Keys Move and 1, 2 Attack and 3 Jump and 4 Roll
Little Warriors Fight
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