Mindful Dressup

Game description:

The clothes make the man. But what about the clothes that make the woman? The dressup is in the mind! A woman can wear a simple dress and look like a million bucks, or she can wear a designer gown and look like a bag lady. It all depends on how she carries herself and how she feels about herself. A woman who is confident and comfortable in her own skin will look amazing in anything she wears. She doesn't need to wear expensive clothes or follow the latest fashion trends. She just needs to wear clothes that make her feel good. The dressup is in the mind. When a woman feels good about herself, she radiates beauty and confidence. She doesn't need to wear a lot of makeup or jewelry. She just needs to be herself. So, if you want to look your best, don't worry about what's on the outside. Focus on what's on the inside. Be confident and comfortable in your own skin. The dressup is in the mind!

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Select dress/style
Mindful Dressup
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