Zombie Brain Switch

Game description:

The zombies craved a new brain and head. They needed to evolve into the next level, and the only way to do that was to switch heads with each other. The zombies gathered in a circle, their eyes glowing red in the darkness. They chanted in unison, calling on the power of the dark gods to help them in their quest. Suddenly, a portal opened in the air, and a dark figure stepped through. The figure was tall and thin, with long black hair and a pale face. He wore a black robe, and his eyes were filled with hatred. "I am the Lord of the Zombies," the figure said. "I have come to help you in your quest." The zombies bowed before the Lord of the Zombies. They knew that he was their only hope. "We need your help to evolve," the zombies said. "We need new brains and heads." "I will help you," the Lord of the Zombies said. "But you must do something for me in return." "Anything," the zombies said. "You must help me to conquer the world," the Lord of the Zombies said. "Once I am in control, I will give you all the brains and heads you could ever want." The zombies agreed. They would do anything to evolve. The Lord of the Zombies raised his arms, and a dark cloud formed around him. The cloud grew larger and larger, until it filled the entire sky. The zombies watched in awe as the cloud began to change. It morphed and shifted, until it took on the shape of a giant head. The head was made of pure darkness, and it had glowing red eyes. The zombies could feel the power radiating from it. The Lord of the Zombies smiled. "This is my power," he said. "This is the power that will help you to evolve." The zombies bowed their heads in reverence. They knew that they were in the presence of greatness. The Lord of the Zombies raised his hand, and the giant head began to move. It floated down to the ground, and the zombies gathered around it. The Lord of the Zombies opened his mouth, and a long, forked tongue slithered out. He licked the head, and it began to glow brighter. "Now," the Lord of the Zombies said. "It is time for you to evolve." The zombies closed their eyes and concentrated. They felt the power of the dark gods flowing through them, and they knew that they were changing. Their bodies began to grow and change. Their skin turned black, and their eyes turned red. They grew new heads, and their brains became bigger and more powerful. When the transformation was complete, the zombies opened their eyes. They were different now. They were stronger, faster, and more intelligent. They were ready to conquer the world.

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Zombie Brain Switch
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