Internet Games Central
K-On's Fashion Show
The K-On girls are getting ready for their performance, but one of them is having trouble deciding what to wear. "I don't know," says Yui. "I want to look cute, but I also want to be comfortable. And I don't want to clash with the other girls." The other girls are all looking at her expectantly. Mio is wearing a simple dress, while Ritsu is in a more casual outfit. Azusa is wearing a skirt and blouse, and Mugi is in a flowing dress. "Why don't you wear your new dress?" suggests Mio. "I was thinking about that," says Yui. "But I'm not sure if it's the right thing for a concert." "It's perfect!" says Ritsu. "It's cute and comfortable, and it'll show off your figure." Yui still hesitates. "I don't know," she says. "I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard." "You're not trying too hard," says Azusa. "You're just being yourself. And that's what's important." Yui smiles. "Thanks, Azusa," she says. "I'll wear the dress." Yui puts on the dress, and the other girls all ooh and ahh. "You look great!" they say. Yui feels confident and excited. She knows that she's going to give a great performance. The girls take the stage, and the crowd goes wild. They play their hearts out, and the audience loves it. Yui sings and dances with all her energy, and she knows that she's making the crowd happy. The concert is a success, and the girls are all exhausted but happy. They've had a lot of fun, and they've made a lot of memories. As they're getting ready to leave, Yui turns to the other girls. "I'm so glad I wore that dress," she says. "It was the perfect thing for tonight." The other girls smile. "We're glad you did too," they say. The girls wave goodbye to the crowd and walk off the stage. They're all looking forward to the next time they can perform.
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